Secrets of School ICT Suite Design

As a secondary Head of ICT, Tim Peters carried out research into the effects of room layout on teaching and learning with ICT, and presented this at the Education for the Third Millennium Conference. If you missed it, the designs we looked at are shown below - click on a design for a summary of the pros and cons. All the designs are based on the same room size so different designs provide different numbers of workstations based on our standard minimum comfortable work space per student.

We are happy to provide design consultancy at an appropriate fee for the work but please note that while you are free to use the information on the website (but not to copy it without acknowledgement of ourselves as authors), we do not offer a free design consultancy service.

ICT Room Design - Ring Doughnut Computer Suite Design - Greyhound Track Computer Suite Layout - Fjords ICT Suite Design - Victorian Classroom
Ring Doughnut Greyhound Track Fjords Victorian Classroom
ICT Room Layout - Islands Computer Suite Design - Piers - Facing Away ICT Suite Layout - Piers - Facing Out Ideas to help with designing an ICT suite, for teaching and learning
Islands Piers - Facing Away Piers - Facing Out

All the comments on advantages and disadvantages relate to:

  • Classrooms used for whole class instruction
  • Typical classroom shapes, and sizes of 40m² to 80m²
  • Rooms supervised by one classroom teacher

Other situations may favour different designs.

Comproom Limited would like to thank all Primary and Secondary teachers involved for their hospitality and support with this research.

You may refer to an ICT suite as an IT room, computer suite or computer room.

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